September 26, 2009

Free Online Dictionary

Hii, I've found this site, while I'm browsing. Good free online dictionary, you can hear the pronunciation and complete with its explanation and

September 18, 2009

English Thesis Task

Four Ways to Make Indonesian Products Become More Respected

Indonesia's Industry, it is important thing that we must respect and develop. Especially it's products. But unfortunately, Indonesian are so confident and prouder using foreign products than local's. Whereas, if we're buying local products, we can increase local exchange reserves. There are four ways that can make us respect Indonesia's products more, such as increasing the amount of export and decreasing import; Government should be more concerned about Indonesian products; advertising public figures using local products in their whole life; then, increasing the product quality of local industries.
Indonesia has rich natural resources, many commodities have been exported in several part of the world. Indonesian products must be increased, the amount of export should be greater than import. Because through export, Indonesia can cut trade deficit and get trade balance realtionship. The Government should be proud of local brand and more concerned about developing Indonesia's Industry. Such as giving appreciation and rewards. So that, many producers will be encourage to compete to get better in marketing their industry and upgrading their quality.
Participation of public figures will have significant influence to the world of industry. They can use local products, such as President, Mayor or even an artist. With this, people will morelikely follow their public figures.
Increasing products quality will result in better products selling. It's a consumer's common behavior to look for qualified with lower price. If local products have the said quality consumer will be satisfied and eventually they will respect local products more.
Indonesia has a lot of great commodity is. There's nothing we can lose by buying local products. Why not do it now?

September 7, 2009

daily activity nowdays

it's been along time since i wrote something here, haha. i just didn't have much spare time to maintenance this blog frequently.
daily activity nowdays, in the morning i go to college then come home in evening, after that continue to get stuck in some tasks until about midnight. every day heading many homework, ouuug, i getting sick of this.

i just need to get accustomed about this, manage my activity and get enough time for sleep.

hey, i've got many friends in surabaya, especially from mechanical engineering ITS.
kind of people, from different regency, province, and island.
beside that, i've learned many things from machanical laboratory, the things i've learned were very important to me, about manufacturing, combusting, mechanical design, etc. sounds great, isn't it?
i hope i can get much more beneficial then.

then, i've download a lot of phil collins album, it's really complete compilation, thank's in a milllion times for torrentz :D
Copyright 2009 HELLO WORLD.Aulia Mutiarani