May 19, 2009

dull holiday

this is the first day in my holiday in which i can get up early in the morning :D
took a walk on central park made me fresh slightly
i try to install the sims 2 in my pc again, but i never got to install the daemon for the first step, it keeps asking me to reboot my pc, then install again, maybe its not compatible for windows 7, ooug, i was thinking i can play this game during my holiday :(
whereas i've download the sims 2 nightlife
i just being pathetic
but now, i have a cat(finally)! yiipi :D
white and wild, he was wandering for a meal when i found him, hahaa
hey, i found this picture while browsing, like my favourite cartoon

May 17, 2009


i made this by hand with my mom, a simply craft from piece of coconut shell
not as perfect as experienced craftsmen, but does this look cute?

May 14, 2009

love at first sight

my black and white hamster
hey babe, will you marry me?
i do love you, since i knew you

May 13, 2009

try this type racer

hey wasup!
its a typing game, using your hand-earned keyboard skills
you start with a little car on the left side, and you just typing quickly as possible to the right way, and make your own car get to the finish
my own average by 62 word-per-minute, wooho, i'm a megaracer already :D
i still developing my skill at this
it sound i do have much free time haha
try this game, and you'll being a typing addict, hoho

after final exam

yiipii yeee :)
the final exam has been passed, but i dunno what will happen next to me?
i did my best, and i hope i'll get the best for the result of those final exam
everythings almost going well, although this morning i know that i didn't passed the UNAIR test by me
last night was smuboy prom night or called night memories, grad night, gorgeous night, or whatever laa, but i really enjoyed it!
go go green campus haha
hey, i just listening to disco song, dim all the lights by anoop desai (american idol season 8 maybe), and that's really cool!
i don't have sumthin significant to do now, i get up every morning, facing cold weather and heading my computer as usually, go to the kitchen, sitting looking for new messages, eating noodle, then take a nap
wow, i can't imagine i'll getting fat because those bad habit
16 may will be TOEFL test, then i do really hope a happy ending for the result
wish me luck
enough for today, blogger will be unvailable at 2:00 AM
Copyright 2009 HELLO WORLD.Aulia Mutiarani