December 4, 2009


A few weeks ago one of my friend suggested me a Yiruma’s song, the title’s “River Flows in You”, its without doubt he’s most popular piece. Damn Cool! :D Check this out
then, check this partiture too!

November 23, 2009

Green Revolution

Green revolution is approach to agriculture. It makes to double the food product. New approach of green revolution involved new grain, use chemical and use of machinery.
Green revolution has failed because it can’t keep up with population. And the most complicated problem due to cost that required chemical insecticides, watering and equipment.
Green revolution has brought about social and political conflict. One of them is cost of the new methods. This caused the larger landowner became richer and the landless become poor. So social tension increase
Green revolution make the government and the farmer need to look at overall picture and long term effects. They find new methods to fulfill the needs of world’s hungry people and less destructive

November 21, 2009


Technological Advancement has Advantage and Disadvantage Effects in Communication

People are always trying to make their life easier and more comfortable. Each and every invention is one of their efforts to make their life wonderful. There have been a lot of changes as the advantages of technological advancement. But, there are different opinions that technology has advantage and disadvantage effects. Some people say, technological advancement has made our life better, such as making the world better in communication, facilitating people in their activities, and giving people more leisure time. On the other hand, the others argue that technological advancement has more disadvantages in social aspect.

The development of technology has made our life easier. We use technology to make our work getting close to the perfection, or facilitate us to make it easier to relate with other people. For example, Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of telephone had given us an easier way to get communication with other people. With the development of technology, we can communicate with our friends without meeting them; in conclusion, technological advancement has made our life easier and the communication faster, more efficient, cheaper and reliable.

The other people argue that technology has made environment and social structure going adversely. Technological advancement has harmed the environment. Such us sending massages with cell phone, heading computer in whole day with chatting, those are make us reduce our frequency to meet other people.

In conclusion, using technology must be arranged. So, we can divide our time to meet other people in order to keep relation well. We can use technology according to requirement. On the other hand, we must keep our knowledge about technological advancement. So, both of them must be going equally.

September 26, 2009

Free Online Dictionary

Hii, I've found this site, while I'm browsing. Good free online dictionary, you can hear the pronunciation and complete with its explanation and

September 18, 2009

English Thesis Task

Four Ways to Make Indonesian Products Become More Respected

Indonesia's Industry, it is important thing that we must respect and develop. Especially it's products. But unfortunately, Indonesian are so confident and prouder using foreign products than local's. Whereas, if we're buying local products, we can increase local exchange reserves. There are four ways that can make us respect Indonesia's products more, such as increasing the amount of export and decreasing import; Government should be more concerned about Indonesian products; advertising public figures using local products in their whole life; then, increasing the product quality of local industries.
Indonesia has rich natural resources, many commodities have been exported in several part of the world. Indonesian products must be increased, the amount of export should be greater than import. Because through export, Indonesia can cut trade deficit and get trade balance realtionship. The Government should be proud of local brand and more concerned about developing Indonesia's Industry. Such as giving appreciation and rewards. So that, many producers will be encourage to compete to get better in marketing their industry and upgrading their quality.
Participation of public figures will have significant influence to the world of industry. They can use local products, such as President, Mayor or even an artist. With this, people will morelikely follow their public figures.
Increasing products quality will result in better products selling. It's a consumer's common behavior to look for qualified with lower price. If local products have the said quality consumer will be satisfied and eventually they will respect local products more.
Indonesia has a lot of great commodity is. There's nothing we can lose by buying local products. Why not do it now?

September 7, 2009

daily activity nowdays

it's been along time since i wrote something here, haha. i just didn't have much spare time to maintenance this blog frequently.
daily activity nowdays, in the morning i go to college then come home in evening, after that continue to get stuck in some tasks until about midnight. every day heading many homework, ouuug, i getting sick of this.

i just need to get accustomed about this, manage my activity and get enough time for sleep.

hey, i've got many friends in surabaya, especially from mechanical engineering ITS.
kind of people, from different regency, province, and island.
beside that, i've learned many things from machanical laboratory, the things i've learned were very important to me, about manufacturing, combusting, mechanical design, etc. sounds great, isn't it?
i hope i can get much more beneficial then.

then, i've download a lot of phil collins album, it's really complete compilation, thank's in a milllion times for torrentz :D

June 6, 2009

silahkan buka yang ini

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May 19, 2009

dull holiday

this is the first day in my holiday in which i can get up early in the morning :D
took a walk on central park made me fresh slightly
i try to install the sims 2 in my pc again, but i never got to install the daemon for the first step, it keeps asking me to reboot my pc, then install again, maybe its not compatible for windows 7, ooug, i was thinking i can play this game during my holiday :(
whereas i've download the sims 2 nightlife
i just being pathetic
but now, i have a cat(finally)! yiipi :D
white and wild, he was wandering for a meal when i found him, hahaa
hey, i found this picture while browsing, like my favourite cartoon

May 17, 2009


i made this by hand with my mom, a simply craft from piece of coconut shell
not as perfect as experienced craftsmen, but does this look cute?

May 14, 2009

love at first sight

my black and white hamster
hey babe, will you marry me?
i do love you, since i knew you

May 13, 2009

try this type racer

hey wasup!
its a typing game, using your hand-earned keyboard skills
you start with a little car on the left side, and you just typing quickly as possible to the right way, and make your own car get to the finish
my own average by 62 word-per-minute, wooho, i'm a megaracer already :D
i still developing my skill at this
it sound i do have much free time haha
try this game, and you'll being a typing addict, hoho

after final exam

yiipii yeee :)
the final exam has been passed, but i dunno what will happen next to me?
i did my best, and i hope i'll get the best for the result of those final exam
everythings almost going well, although this morning i know that i didn't passed the UNAIR test by me
last night was smuboy prom night or called night memories, grad night, gorgeous night, or whatever laa, but i really enjoyed it!
go go green campus haha
hey, i just listening to disco song, dim all the lights by anoop desai (american idol season 8 maybe), and that's really cool!
i don't have sumthin significant to do now, i get up every morning, facing cold weather and heading my computer as usually, go to the kitchen, sitting looking for new messages, eating noodle, then take a nap
wow, i can't imagine i'll getting fat because those bad habit
16 may will be TOEFL test, then i do really hope a happy ending for the result
wish me luck
enough for today, blogger will be unvailable at 2:00 AM

April 22, 2009

my hamster drink milk

look like an ill treatment?
don't be miss understanding, it's not oppression of hamster, huahaha
i just feeding him :)


thanks to... mew :3

oh what a dizzy day!

time's to make certain about my future
i mean, it's national examination
my heart sound so mess

i just can't imagine what will happen to me tomorrow

hope it'll work like as well as miracle

and success ahead. amin :)

April 12, 2009

Bella's Lullaby Piano Tutorial

have you heard this song? This is theme of Twilight Movie, titled as Bella' Lullaby composed by Carter Burwell. This song was played by Edward Cullen on grand piano in his home. It's lovely scene. I like it and just play it repeatedly :)) awesome and, this is the piano tutorial of this song (in synthesia). I found it in youtube. check this out

April 5, 2009

my teenage life

I woke up this morning in particular mood. But it was really hard to got up from bed. oh, it's might sound lazy, because today is Sunday, so I continued to sleep, hohoho. That's why I quite like Sunday.
I don't have something to do now, waiting for my piano teacher
facing cold weather to go to bathroom
and heading my computer just doing browsing, posting, chatting
study for mid exam next week and prepare for the last examination
it happens everyday in my whole life

hey, look at this, it's really ridiculous, hahaha, can anyone tell me what did he/she mean to ?

April 4, 2009

part of your world by nick pitera

it's awesome!

see nick pitera blog

about my Idol

have you seen her?
yeeaa, she is Katharine Hope McPhee, who eventually have finished as the runner up on the fifth season American Idol!
she is an American pop and rnb
singer, songwriter, actress and television personality. She's brilliant, right?
She has finished her first movie, 'you may not kiss the bride' a romantic adventure comedy has began filming in march last month, and the next movie will be Storyteller.
check her video clip when she was in American Idol

blog ipa 2


see ipa dua official blogsite

March 31, 2009

Classical Piano Sheet

PhotobucketBagi yang sulit mencari classical piano sheet (gratis) di

-untuk yang web mininova terlebih dahulu install vuze ( atau client torrent lainnya
-buka file yang baru di download (format .torrent) dengan vuze

Debussy Piano Sheet :

Joe Hisaishi Piano Sheet :

Chopin Piano Sheet :

Liszt Piano Sheet :
Brahms Piano Sheet :

Mendelssohn Piano Sheet :

Hanon Piano Sheet :

Grieg Piano Sheet :

Schumann Piano Sheet :

Schubert Piano Sheet :

semoga bisa membantu Photobucket

Film Release 2009

film release 2009 maret-april, must see (in my opinion) !
Hannah Montana the movie (drama) pictures by disney
UP (animation) pictures by disney pixar
Monsters vs Aliens (animation) pictures by dreamworks
The Uninvited (horror) pictures by dreamworks
Eagle Eye (action) pictures by dreamworks
Hotel for Dogs (drama) pictures by dreamworks

March 25, 2009

my hand sketch

I made it when I feel bored in class

March 2, 2009

ndak penting!

Huuuuaaaaaa, hari ini sial sekaliiii! Bosan, bosan, bosaaan!
internet mati, telepon mati, hp lagi tulalit, mau main the sims tapi ngga bisaa, terus sewa kaset game tapi ngga bisa diinstall, ggggrr, yang sisa cuma buku mapel tapi malaa aaaa a a aass.
huhuhu, pelajar macam apa aku ini.
tiap hari monoton sekalii. Bangun pagi ( baca : kesiangan ) berangkat sekolah pulang makan tidur bangun main game chatting mainan komputer terus les pulang belajar ( huuek ) tidur bangun pagi sekolah pulang makan tidur dst.
huhu uu, gimana nanti kalau kuliah, gimana sama hobi-hobiku, makan, tidur malam, tidur siang, tidur sore, belajar ( hueek )

posting hari ini cukup sekian...

January 29, 2009

segera! film kambingjantan



film ini diutamakan untuk orang-orang yang ingin meniggal secara tidak wajar ( baca: tertawa berlebihan hingga kecepirit )

lihat di

January 25, 2009

how to make hot ice !

hey hey, baru saja ada yang kasi tau link tutorial cara buat hot ice, yang ada hubungannya dengan muthafucking chemistry, huhu

check this out!

bahan yang dibutuhkan :
- sodium acetate atau sama saja natrium asetat
(harga terjangkau dapat dibeli di pedagang bahan kimia kata wikipedia)
- air
- panci

selamat mencoba :))

January 19, 2009

hamster eating popcorn on a piano

bosaaaaaaann, lagi lagi bosaaaaann

for s.o "fuck fuck fuck fuck.." (middle finger)

hey, hey, aku baru menemukan video lucu dari photobucket
this hammy looks so cute!!!!! terus aku coba taruh hamsterku di atas piano, tapi gagaal, huhu
hope want to have this one :))
hamster on a piano, eating popcorn on a piano.. hohohoho
satu lagi,
this is lol roborovski, hahahaha, cute cute cute cute :))

hamster vs door klik disini
kalau ada yang temukan video hamster yang lebih lucu lagi, kasi tauu!

January 17, 2009

kue spongebob

woohoo, ini kue spongbob butuh pengorbanan sampai jam 12 malam :))) hoy, hoy, kamu liat ajaa jangan dimakan =ppp

January 7, 2009

about dreams

did you ever consider "how many time we spend our time for dreaming?"
may be it's about jump down from Mile-High Tower without nothing but your under-wear, going to disneyland with Zac Efron, Tom Welling, Jesse McCartney, get the top chair of your country you'll be eat your money for your breakfast in every morning, or, maybe when you're in the middle of class lesson suddenly you try dancing naked in front of  the class :))
the most important thing that just you can create your dream, nobody else can creates them for you
go get your dream, dude
hoho, just a little shoutout of my mind

January 5, 2009

hamster death

Telah meninggal dunia dengan tidak tenang pada hari Senin, 5 Januari 2009, kurang lebih jam 16.15
diduga kematiannya jatuh dari meja setinggi 1 kaki, sehingga keluar darah dari mulut dan hidung, semoga masuk surga, amin.
really hope he's still alive and saved from accident :(((


hari ini pertama ulangan semester baru aja selese, tapi masih ada hari besok, besoknya lagi terus besoknya lagiii :((
berhubung tadi pengawas nya engga terlalu ketat ( ups, bukan celana dalamnya yang ketat ), iseng-iseng aku observasi sekeliling, hihihi, (gambar ada atas) yap yap, identitas harus disembunyikan demi masa depan ! hari ini inbox ku langsung banyak sms yang isi nya begini nih, "1-45 balas", "abc udah?", "no 49 gpl", "1-12 baceddcbaaab" hua hua hua hua hua. jadi ingat waktu jaman SD dulu, masih lugu-lugu nya, kalau mau ada ulangan catur wulan, seminggu sebelumnya belajar teruus di rumah, engga main kemana-mana. kalo udah ulangan siap-siap bawa map buat nutupin jawaban, pokoknya temen sebangku engga boleh ngelirik kertas jawaban. hweee, habis masuk sma yang gitu engga ada lagii, jawaban bocor kemana-mana, main lempar-lemparan kertas waktu ujian. hua hua hua, that's fact, begitulah kenyataannya. mayoritas sih, tapi masih ada juga yang ngerjakan sendiri, mungkin ngga lebih dari 10 persennya, kalau satu kelas isinya ada 40 anak, jadi cuma 4 anak yang benar-benar engga curang.
oh ya, kebiasaan kalau kelas ku lagi ulangan pkn ada caranya sendiri. tiap ulangan pkn yang masuk separuh-separuh, jadi janjian dulu sama yang di luar kelas (yang bisa dipercaya), alat nya cuma satu, hp ! biasanya aku sembunyikan di kotak kacamata, hue hue hue. engga perlu nyimpen buku di bawah bangku atau repot-repot buka-buka buku (ngerepek) sampe ketahuan gurunya. biasanya soalnya 5 - 6 essay, jawabannya panjang2. kalo ada soal yang engga bisa tinggal kirim sms, terus teman yang di luar cari di buku tinggal ketik, kirim deh, hehehe.
yang penting waktu melaksanakan perbuatan ngga terpuji tadi (baca:mencontek, mengerpek dll, hehehe) kita harus confident, calm, jangan banyak bergerak, nanti jadi kelihatan, hindari juga eye-contact sama pengawasnya, soalnya kalau kita ngeliatin pengawas terus pasti gampang dicurigai, lebih baik ngelirik jam dinding atau bergaya seolah-olah lagi mikir sambil bergumam sesekali ngelirik pengawasnya, heheheh.
ada lagi, jangan bawa kotak pensil, kalau alat tulis kita keliatan lengkap kan kita jadi engga punya alasan buat pinjem punya temen (misal penghapus), padahal waktu pinjam penghapus tadi ada kertas kecil yang nyangkut, hohoho just little stupid things from a kid yang keseringan mencontek, jangan ditiru !! lebih baik belajar :))

January 4, 2009


nulis apa ya ? apa nulis ya ? ya apa nulis ? heuheuehu. nothing special for today :))

January 3, 2009

capek capek capek

hari iniii seperti benar-benar jadi mayaaaat, feels like a human corpse, yeaah, seharian tiduurr, bangun tidur lihat hp, balas sms, tidur lagii, bangun tidur, baca buku, tidur lagiii, bangun tidurr, aaaaggh, langsung baca koran, hari ini wajahku ada di koran, wartawan kurang kerjaan, huhu. hari ini capek sekalii, tadi pagi jogging, terus main badminton sampai jam 11 siang. ok, enough for today, besok senin ulangan semster, belajar kimiiiiaaaaaa !!!Photobucket

January 2, 2009

hwee hweee

Photobucket sigh, boredom gets me everyday, every hour, every minute of these days.
i have been listening for paul gilbert from this afternoon
something new out there ??

about cancer

hoi hoi, sedikit ilmu tadi yang aku baca dari :
"Semua kanker dimulai dalam sel-sel, yang merupakan unit dasar kehidupan dari tubuh. Untuk memahami kanker, ada gunanya kita mengetahui apa yang terjadi ketika sel-sel normal berubah menjadi sel-sel kanker. 
Tubuh terdiri dari berbagai jenis sel. Sel-sel ini tumbuh dan membelah diri dengan cara yang terkendali, untuk menghasilkan lebih banyak sel yang dibutuhkan agar tubuh tetap sehat. Saat sel-sel ini menjadi tua atau rusak, sel-sel tersebut akan mati dan digantikan oleh sel-sel baru. 
Tapi, terkadang proses yang teratur ini berjalan dengan salah. Materi genetika (DNA) dari sebuah sel bisa rusak atau berubah, menghasilkan mutasi yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan pembelahan sel yang normal. Saat ini terjadi, sel-sel tidak mati seperti seharusnya dan terbentuklah sel-sel baru yang tidak diperlukan tubuh. Sel-sel tambahan ini kemudian membentuk gumpalan jaringan yang disebut tumor. 
Tidak semua tumor bersifat kanker; tumor bisa jinak atau ganas. Tumor jinak bukanlah kanker. Tumor seperti ini seringkali bisa diangkat, dan umumnya tidak tumbuh kembali. Sel-sel tumor jinak tidak menyebar ke bagian tubuh yang lain. Sedangkan tumor ganas adalah kanker. Sel-sel dalam tumor ini  bisa menyerang jaringan di dekatnya dan menyebar ke bagian tubuh yang lain. Penyebaran kanker dari satu bagian tubuh ke bagian tubuh lainnya disebut metastasis. 
Sebagian besar kanker dinamakan sesuai organ tubuh atau jenis sel tempat asalnya. Misalnya, kanker yang dimulai dari lambung disebut dengan kanker lambung. Beberapa jenis kanker tidak membentuk tumor. Misalnya, leukemia adalah kanker pada sumsum tulang dan darah." 
kita sudah tau kanker merupakan penyakit yang ganas dan mematikan yang asal mulanya berupa gumpalan yang disebut tumor dan kemudian menyebar diseluruh organ tubuh, lebih baik kita mencegah daripada merasakan :)
bagi perokok-perokok berat sebaiknya berhenti mulai dari sekarang, karena rokok merupakan penyebab terbesar yang menyebabkan terjadinya kanker. apalagi orang yang menghisap asap rokok juga bisa terkena, merugikan sekali kan ? apalagi orang disekitar itu adalah keluarga kalian sendiri.
tahun 08  lalu, nenek temanku yang sekarang sudah almarhum, terserang kanker rahim stadium 4, alm.nenek temanku sudah dirawat di rumah sakit mulai bulan november 08, setiap dia menjenguk neneknya dia engga pernah melihat neneknya tidur tenang, katanya selalu berguling-guling di tempat tidur merasakan sakitnya di melawan kanker. sampai bulan desember kemarin, nenek temanku sudah tidak bisa berjuang hidup.
lebih lengkapnya tentang kanker klik disini, cegah kanker sejak dini :)

wartawan oh wartawan

hari ini banyak wartawan datang ke sekolahku. hukshuks, baca harian radar tulungagung hari ini, jum'at 2 januari 09. atas sendiri yaa, head line, kalau engga ada radar tulungagung bisa diliat di okezone sama koran sindo. ya begitulah, lagi-lagi kekerasan antar siswa, kejadiannya tanggal 12 Des 08 kemarin, video nya ternyata sudah dirilis dan beredar sampai beritanya di liput di beberapa stasiun tv, selesai terpuruk gara-gara launching kantin kejujuran (baca beritanya di koran), lagi-lagi smuboy jadi hotnews, tapi bukan berita baik. hoooi, kita sekolah buat belajar, mencari ilmu, bukan cari musuh sama cari geng, kalau yang begituan di warung kopi banyak tuh, ikut-ikut sinetron jaman sekarang aja, barusan ada geng nero, terus geng nyik-nyik ( gini ya namanya ? ), namanya mirip gudangnya cheat game tuh, hihihi. habis ini ada geng apa lagi ? nyit pelet kali ya ?

new day has come

happy new year all, new day, new hope and starting for something new.
well, walaupun tahun baru sama aja kaya hari-hari biasanya, engga ada yang berubah, cuma tanggalan aja yang berubah, kalender baru. but I think it's important to make it all more success than yesterday. so, what have you done yesterday ? mungkin tahun lalu kita banyak bikin masalah, sesuatu yang kita harapkan bukannya kita dapatkan tapi malah menjauh dari kita, mungkin juga tahun lalu kita banyak merasakan penderitaan, patah hati, kehilangan teman, nilai-nilai rapor ngga lebih dari angka 9 terbalik, berat badan kamu naik 5 kilo, jerawat di wajah kamu lama-lama kembar sama jagung. lupakan kawan ! dengan bergantinya kalender, kita harus bisa memperbaikinya di tahun ini. everything must be planned, then just go ahead. semangat !
Copyright 2009 HELLO WORLD.Aulia Mutiarani